viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Elements involved in a communication process

  •  Issuer. - Subject to the act of communication occurs.
  •  Regarding. - The reality outside the communicative message referred.
  • Code. - Signs set, interrelated and construction rules, a layout of transmitter and receiver.
  • Message. - Results of the coding, carrier of information or set of information transmitted.
  • Canal. - Physical environment by circulating the message.
  • Receiver. - Subject that decodes and receives the message.
  • Context. - Set of factors and circumstances in which the message is produced and must be known by both the sender and the receiver. 
  • Noise. - Unforeseen and unpredictable disturbances that destroy or alter the information. Noise appears in almost all communication processes.
  • Redundance. - Unnecessary elements contained in a message and that serve, inter alia, to combat noise.

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