jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

The mursi lips

 The Mursi, Chai and Tirma probably be the last groups in Africa among which is still a norm for women to use pottery or large wooden discs or "plates" in their lower lips. The disc of the lip (dhebi one tugoin) has become the main visible feature that identifies the Mursi and makes them the main attraction for tourists.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Healthy Skin

There is a fundamental difference between the concept of Eastern and Western beauty. While in the East is to improve the quality of the body itself, in the West is measured and what their status is active against specific situations (wrinkles, sagging, cellulite, etc..). In Japan, the way to achieve beauty is to "healthy" skin. In the West, we try to "erase" wrinkles. Insists on this idea Kayoko Nakajima, head of marketing for the new line of Shiseido Future Solution LX "is tata beautify skin without makeup, this is just an accessory. The important thing is to make the skin beautiful in itself. "That is why research in the field of beauty are geared more to know how to restore the skin and make it work properly that treat the signs of aging itself. In this sense, for example, when studies on the effects of a cosmetic on the skin also studied what effects it has on the mind. It measures the level of relaxation, the pulse, the state of fatigue or if the person feels more energetic.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Japanese beauty

The Japanese believe that if they use cosmetics "are beautiful" (84%) and "will be fine even if they are old" (77%). As age increases, increases the feeling that it is essential to use cosmetics to keep the skin beautiful, but also increases the pleasure of skin care. In this sense, place great importance on facial cleansing as the basis for skin health: 90% of Japanese use cleaner and tonic. And, unlike Spanish, tonic considered as one of the essential cosmetics for cleaning and balancing the skin. According to the sociologist, the reason is that traditionally in Japan use the water as an act of purification, which is part of the rituals of the Shinto religion. This also explains how they are washed daily the Japanese: they shower with soap and water and once they are clean, they enter the bath, never submerge "dirty" in the water.

One of the major characteristics of Japanese beauty ideal is finding a very white skin and perfect. Something hard to get, as their skin contains more melanin than Westerners (hence the yellow color) and tans more easily, as you can see from the population of agricultural areas (hence also suffer a lower rate of skin cancer). As in many other cultures, including the West until the middle of last century, white skin has been for hundreds of years especially appreciated as it was for the upper classes that should not work and therefore not exposed to the sun. Therefore, women in Japan who could wore makeup her face white, with very red lips and black eyebrows: the typical image of the geisha. Traditionally in Japan says that "white skin hides seven problems of the skin," and that "it seems very beautiful and hidden defects" in the words of Otsubo.

continue ....

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

giraffe neck women

The Padaung ('giraffe neck women') are part of the ethnic group or tribe Kayan, Karen and Karenni, one of the Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Burma consists of approximately 7,000 members and belong to the Shan state.

During the 1990s, due to the conflict with the military regime in Burma, many tribesmen fled to Thailand. Suffering conflicts being a border area, these people were willing to survive on the alms they received from tourists who paid to watch these women who have a coiled brass ornaments around his neck. This, from the age of five years, is gradually pushing the clavicle down by adding rings, making it look like they have longer necks.

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

a little more of Brain Gym

Experts say that we only use 10% of the capacity of the brain, so the brain gym seeks to activate those brain areas that do not use often through lateral exercises, ie, working both limbs at the same time.

Thanks to this kind of training you get a balance between the two hemispheres and neural circuits are unlocked to conduct effective communication between the body and the mind.

The Brain Gym is not only effective in children with learning and behavior, but it is also advisable to manage stress, focus on people with sensitive artistic activities and those in the right hemisphere preferentially or who work more analytically in processes left hemisphere thinking. Like everything, its effectiveness depends on the constancy.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

5 exercises...

1) Make certain activities such as brushing teeth, combing hair, turning on the water or on the light, with the left hand (if they are right handed). In general, try to use the left hand in the same proportion as the right.

2) Crossword, geniogramas, riddles, puzzles, etc.. activating memory and brain activity in general. Also, for seniors, these activities are excellent entertainment.
3) Read aloud. How long is not read aloud? Exercise the mind, sight, speech and hearing.

4) Make finger exercises, joining the thumbs of both hands, followed by the rates, middle fingers, etc.., A routine that helps connect two cerebral hemispheres. Allows the interconnection of different areas of the cortex, such that, when performing an activity, there will be a better potential.
5) Changes Crusaders: This exercise activates the brain's hemispheres, helping to better concentration. It's simple, it is touch the right knee with the left hand and left knee with your right hand. It can be done standing, sitting or lying, we can also vary the exercise with hands touching the tip of each foot, you can make the rhythm of music or with eyes closed, on the site or marching. Repeat the exercise ten times 

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Brain Gym :D

To prevent neuron death, a natural process that is accelerated over the years, you need to practice brain exercises that achieve only people concentrate on what they are doing at that very moment, the challenge is to break the routine neurobiótica, forcing the brain to further work. For example: change hands to brush your teeth, walking back through an area, alternating hand in handling the spoon and fork. Dressing with closed eyes, see the time in the mirror, etc.. Managing PC mouse with the other hand, change course to get to and from work or school and many other simple things that break our routine.

To complement the Brain Gym exercise, there is also the neuróbica (aerobic brain). This science reveals that the brain maintains the extraordinary ability to grow and change the pattern of their connections.

tomorrow will post some basic exercises .. do not miss it. good night.........