lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Brain Gym :D

To prevent neuron death, a natural process that is accelerated over the years, you need to practice brain exercises that achieve only people concentrate on what they are doing at that very moment, the challenge is to break the routine neurobiótica, forcing the brain to further work. For example: change hands to brush your teeth, walking back through an area, alternating hand in handling the spoon and fork. Dressing with closed eyes, see the time in the mirror, etc.. Managing PC mouse with the other hand, change course to get to and from work or school and many other simple things that break our routine.

To complement the Brain Gym exercise, there is also the neuróbica (aerobic brain). This science reveals that the brain maintains the extraordinary ability to grow and change the pattern of their connections.

tomorrow will post some basic exercises .. do not miss it. good night......... 

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