martes, 9 de julio de 2013

5 exercises...

1) Make certain activities such as brushing teeth, combing hair, turning on the water or on the light, with the left hand (if they are right handed). In general, try to use the left hand in the same proportion as the right.

2) Crossword, geniogramas, riddles, puzzles, etc.. activating memory and brain activity in general. Also, for seniors, these activities are excellent entertainment.
3) Read aloud. How long is not read aloud? Exercise the mind, sight, speech and hearing.

4) Make finger exercises, joining the thumbs of both hands, followed by the rates, middle fingers, etc.., A routine that helps connect two cerebral hemispheres. Allows the interconnection of different areas of the cortex, such that, when performing an activity, there will be a better potential.
5) Changes Crusaders: This exercise activates the brain's hemispheres, helping to better concentration. It's simple, it is touch the right knee with the left hand and left knee with your right hand. It can be done standing, sitting or lying, we can also vary the exercise with hands touching the tip of each foot, you can make the rhythm of music or with eyes closed, on the site or marching. Repeat the exercise ten times 

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